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Impact Wrestling Results (12./7)

Posted By: Aleczander Michaels on Dec 07, 2017

Impact Wrestling Results (12./7)

Welcome to Impact Wrestling.

Caleb Konley vs Taiji Ishimori

Caleb Konley with Trevor Lee make their way to the ring and now Taiji makes his way to the ring.

Konley off the ropes with a shoulder tackle and now a crossbody from Taiji. Taiji drops Caleb on his face and now with a couple forearms to the face. Caleb with a leg sweep into a Senton for a 2 count. Caleb with headbutts and sends Taiji out on the ring with Lee taking advantage over the ref with his back turned and now a 2 count rope break. Taiji with repeated rights and a springboard off the top rope. Caleb with a running forearm and now a bear hug into a spinning backhand. Taiji with a 450 Splash for the win.

Winner Taiji Ishimori 

After the match Lee attacks Taiji and now Xavier comes in to make the save taking out both Konley and Lee.

Commercial break 

Sienna vs Allie vs Rosemary 

Sienna makes her way to the ring, Rosemary makes her way to the ring and last but not least Allie makes her way to the ring.

Sienna exits the ring to start the match and Allie and Rosemary chase her down and attack her on the outside of the ring. Allie with a clothesline in the corner on Sienna and a 2 count broken pin. Sienna blasts Rosemary’s head into the corner and now Rosemary tying her up in the ropes with her legs. Sienna knocks Rosemary out onto the floor and blasts Allie with a kick and 2 count. Sienna with repeated kicks to Allie in the corner and now Allie with a couple forearms to Sienna. Sienna with a superplex to Allie and a 2 count broken pin. Rosemary and Allie with submissions on Sienna and Sienna breaks out. Rosemary and Allie trading shots and double team kick on Sienna. Rosemary with a German on Sienna. Rosemary with the Red Wedding for the win.

Winner Rosemary 

oVe is up next 

Commercial break 

oVe in ring and Sami says they dont care where your from its all bull crap. Sami says that LAX will get their rematch but on their terms only. TDT interrupt and attack oVe and take them out after trashing Canada. Sami outta nowhere with a kendo stick smashing it across the backs of TDT and now chairs are introduced and being set up in the ring and now LAX comes out running and attacks oVe and takes them out. 

Commercial break 

KM with another video on his quest to join ATT

LAX backstage and Konnan says next week hes going to sit down one on one with Sami to figure things out. 

Commercial break 

Matt Sydal vs EC3 for the Impact Grand Championship

Matt makes his way to the ring and now EC3 makes his way to the ring.

EC3 with the shoulder tackles and now Sydal with a drop kick and a standing Moonsault for a 1 count.  EC3 with shoulder tackles into the corner on Sydal and now with the running neckbreaker for a 2 count. EC3 slamming Sydal’s head off the ring apron repeatedly and now a suplex and end of round 1.

Sydal with chops in the corner and now a running drop kick in the corner and a 2 count. EC3 whips Sydal into the corner and now with the stomps. Sydal with a crossbody for a 2 count and now a spin kick and now a flurry of kicks for a 2 count. Sydal with a Hurricanrana and now a dropkick through the ropes. Sydal with kicks on the outside of the ring and tosses EC3 back in the ring and a massive kick to end the second round.

EC3 bashing the head of Sydal into the turnbuckles and now Sydal with a flurry of strikes and EC3 with a one arm powerbomb for a 2 count. Sydal off the top rope with the double knees and a 2 count. EC3 with the Flatliner for a 2 count. Sydal with a kick into a knee and gets caught going up to the top rope and Sydal fights off EC3 and now both men down to end the round.

Commercial break 

Winner EC3 by Draw and still Impact Grand Champion 

Commercial break 

Bobby Lashley and Dan Lambert vs James Storm and Moose

Lashley and Lambert with ATT make their way to the ring and now Storm and Moose make their way to the ring.

Storm and Lashley start off the match and Storm with Lashley in the corner with rights and now a Slingblade and the tag to Moose. Moose with a running senton for the 2 count. Moose with chops to Lashley and Lashley with a clothesline and now stomps to Moose and now Lambert tagged in for a 2 count and tag back to Lashley. Lashley with a suplex and tag to Lambert for a 2 count and Lashley back in. Moose with the chops to Lashley and is caught by Lashley and powerbombs him into the corner and then Moose spears Lashley and now in Storm. Storm with an inverted atomic drop and a kick to the head and neckbreaker for a 2 count. Storm with the Codebreaker to Lashley and Lashley with a spinebuster and Lambert tags in after the spear by Lashley and Lambert gets the pin on Storm.

Winners Bobby Lashley and Dan Lambert of ATT 

Commercial break 

Johnny Impact and Petey Williams vs Eli Drake and Chris Adonis

Eli and Chris make their way to the ring and now Williams makes his way to the ring and last but not least Impact makes his way to the ring.

Impact and Adonis start off the match and Adonis with the shoulder take down on Impact and a right. Impact with a drop kick to Adonis and now Williams in and both with the double team on Adonis. Drake in now.

Commercial break 

Williams with the drop toe hold on Drake into the ropes and now with rights. Williams with the jawbreaker on Drake and now Adonis in. Adonis with a backbreaker on the knee to Williams and now knees to Adonis by Williams and now Drake back in. Adonis and Drake with the double team stomps on Williams. Adonis back in now and the double team suplex on Williams for a 2 count broken pin and now Drake back in. Drake with a suplex and now an elbow drop for a 2 count on Williams and back in is Adonis with clubs to Williams and now Drake back in and a 2 count. Williams with hurricanrana to Drake and Drake slams Williams and the tag to Adonis for a 2 count. Adonis with the shoulder into the corner on Williams. Williams tags in Impact and with the kick to Adonis and takes out Drake. Impact with the sliding knee and standing Shooting Star Press for a 2 count. Impact with a swinging neckbreaker and a 2 count broken pin by Drake and now all hell breaks loose. Impact off the second rope with a springboard kick and Starship Pain for the win on Adonis.

Winners Petey Williams and Johnny Impact 

After the match Alberto attacks Eli Drake.

-End of Show- 

Tags: #impact #impactonpop #results

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